Acrobatics, Art & Expression

„Juri Kussmaul (from Kyrgyzstan) is an award-winning circus performer, musician, sculptor, theatre mask builder/performer and movement/partner acrobatics teacher. He has been teaching and performing internationally since 2015. After finishing his studies of architecture and fine art/sculpture he studied with Philippe Gaulier at his school in France. He trained in Mask Movement theater in Italy with Matteo Destro and Paula Coletto and learned clown and neutral mask with Giovanni Fusetti. Juri continued broadening his knowledge in pedagogy and techniques of partner acrobatics and movement in Spain by joining the “Partner Acrobatics Teacher Training” lead by Emily Baxter, Scott Jumps and Michaela Flies. He is the artistic director and producer of “Barada Street”, a street theater company that performs at theatre & music festivals around the world. He co-created and toured with “Kabaret Kalashnikov” in Germany and Finland.

Through his training and performing Juri has developed a distinctive and innovative way of teaching movement and partner acrobatics, awareness of the performers body, their surroundings and of the audience. His work is filled by exploration for games, detailed acrobatic techniques and the joy and pleasure for movement in a light and trustworthy atmosphere. “In my classes we will embody empowerment by practicing acrobatics (partner acrobatics, acroyoga). Through a playful, safe and process orientated approach we’ll discover freedom while broadening our physical and mental limitations, turning anxiety into excitement, making the seemingly impossible possible.”

Entdecke die Magie des Theaters

Hey Ihr Lieben! Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an unseren Slow-Motion-Schlagabtausch im Oktober? Zu Silvester gibt’s mehr davon – lasst uns tiefer in die Theaterwelt eintauchen! Viele schöne neue Übungen wird’s geben, sodass Ihr Euch künstlerisch ausdrücken könnt. Wir eröffnen ein sicheres Feld für Eure Spielwut, wo Ihr als Gruppe „verrückte“ Dinge ausprobieren könnt. Falls Ihr gern auch etwas präsentieren wollt, entwickeln wir Szenen & Performances für die Neujahrs-Galashow!

Mögliche Workshop-Inhalte: Biografisches Theater Impro Jabbertalk phantastische Kommunikation Verzaubern: Sei ein Wesen aus ferner Welt Wie kannst Du Dich noch bewegen? Wie kannst Du anderen begegnen? Führen-Folgen blindfolded research Bühnen-Präsenz Körperspannung üben Aufeinander reagieren Zug-um-Zug Stimme Vertrauen Konzentration Chorisches Sprechen Clownerie Erschaffe eine Solo-Kunstfigur aus Dir heraus Gern schauen wir auch, was Ihr so mitbringt an Ideen & Wünschen.

Bin schon gespannt auf Euch & freue mich!

Herzliche Grüße, Kim
